Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 30, 2006

We met some Eagles

Trey and Bella went to the mall with Mommy and Mom Mom today! They met 3 Philadelphia Eagles Football Players and got their autographs!

Mom Mom got Trey and Bella each a new outfit from Gymboree!

Friday, September 29, 2006

New Best Friends

Happy Birthday Aunt Tracy!

Bella and Trey had some friends over for playgroup today. Twins Bella and Enzo and twins Bella and Joseph came over with their Mommys Liz and Brenda! The three sets of twins had a great time and played for 2 hours!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Walking and Standing

Bella is getting brave! She took 2 steps by herself today!

Trey is getting ready good at standing up not holding on to anything!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

NICU reunion

Daddy and Mommy took Trey and Bella to the NICU reunion today! It was very nice to see some of the nurses who took care of Trey and Bella for the first 6 weeks of their lives! We also stopped over at the AntepartumUnit at the hospital and saw some of the nurses who took care of Mommy for the 10 weeks before the babies were born. It was a nice afternoon!

Trey began walking today holding only 1 of Mommy and Daddy's hands! Not Trey and Bella can both do this! We'll be walking by ourselves soon!

Happy Birthday Unlce Al!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Trey and Bella love Daddy Time

Trey and Bella had Daddy time today while Mommy taught skating! Trey and Bella love Daddy time!

Happy Birthday Aunt Di Di!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sickness going around

Trey and Bella's twin play group had to be canceled today. One set of twins had family coming to town, so couldn't make it. The other two sets of twins each had one sick twin. Let's hope the "sickies" aren't going around because Trey and Bella don't want to be sick!

Trey and Bella were very well behaved for Mommy tonight for dinner and bathtime since Daddy was at a golf tournament!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Naps for 2

Trey and Bella both took at 2-hour nap at the same time today! WOW! Mommy took advantage and had some Mommy time, so she read a book!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Play Date

Trey slept in until 6:15am today! This must be a record for him! Let's hope this lasts!!!!

Trey and Bella went to McDonalds for lunch with Mommy and the other Moms and kids from the Moms Club of Turnersville. It was lots of fun!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Daddy woke up early with Trey while Mommy and Bella slept in a little! Then Trey and Bella hung out with Mommy while Daddy went to the Eagles Home Opener.

Go E-A-G-L-E-S!

Trey and Bella have been practicing standing by themselves today without holding on to anything. They are doing great!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Lots to do

Trey and Bella went with Daddy to Grandmom's house today while Mommy taught ice skating. Daddy and Pop Pop helped Grandmom by picking up some stuff for her new bathroom!

Trey and Bella then went to Bennigan's for Lunch with Mommy, Daddy and Grandmom!

Mommy stayed up late to write out Trey and Bella's thank you cards for their birthday party. Now she can put them together once the photos are developed!

Friday, September 15, 2006


Poor Bella has a bad diaper rash from her antiobiotics! Hopefully it will clear up with the over the counter cream the doctor recommended.

Poor Trey has 1 lone chicken pox from his vaccine last week! It is not contagious and it normal after the vaccine for some children.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Cara & Mia

Happy Birthday 3rd Cara and Mia!

Trey and Bella had physical therapy today. Miss Donna said they are both doing great. They can both stand on their own. Bella is trying hard to walk, but doesn't get herself steady enough in the standing position before she tries to take off in a run. Trey is very steady standing up, but sits down as soon as he realizes he isn't holding on to anything. Now it will be a race to see who starts walking first!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Play Date

Trey and Bella had playgroup today with Connor, Skyler and Raina. They had lots of fun!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New words

Trey got his 3rd tooth today! It is his left upper central incisor.

Bella said "Doggie" today!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Time to Relax

Mommy, Trey and Bella relaxed today after a very long weekend!

We also put all of Trey and Bella's new gifts away!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Eagles Game

Mommy and Daddy took Trey and Bella to Aunt Desiree and Uncle John's house to watch the Eagles Game!

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Birthday Party

Trey and Bella had a wonderful Birthday Party today! There were lots of family and friends to celebrate with. Elmo and Cookie Monster came to have some fun too!

There was cake, water ice, presents, a moon bounce, a big pool, pin the nose on Elmo, a Elmo Pinata, and baggo! Everyone had fun!

Friday, September 8, 2006

Almost Party Time

Trey and Bella went with Mommy to Mom Mom and Pop Pop's house to get ready for their birthday party tomorrow. Cousin Olivia came over to play and they had a great time!

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Daddy Day

Daddy stayed home today because Mommy hurt her back. Daddy played with Trey and Bella in between getting work done.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Welcome Back Daddy

Trey and Bella were very excited to see Daddy today when he came home from his overnight business trip!

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Check up

Trey and Bella had their "one year" check up today with Dr. Caroline since Dr. Dave is on vacation.

Trey weighs 16 pounds and 5 ounces and is 29 inches long! His head circumference is 45 1/2 inches! This puts Trey in the 5th percentile for length (25th percentile adjusted) and 25th perenctile for head circumference (50th percentile adjusted). He is not yet on the growth chart for weight but is at the 3rd percentile adjusted!

Bella weighs 15 pounds and 1 ounce and is 27 1/4 inches long! Her head circumference is 44 1/2 inches! This puts Bella in the 7th percentile for length (40th percentile adjusted) and 25th perenctile for head circumference (50th percentile adjusted). She is not yet on the growth chart for weight but is at the 3rd percentile adjusted!

Its time to get out the "big girl" and "big boy" Britax car seats! Dr. Caroline recommended keeping them rear racing until 20 pounds or 2 years, which ever comes first!

Since Trey and Bella couldn't get their CBC blood tests done prior to this appointment due to their small viens, we will be getting it done before the 15 month check up!

Trey and Bella are allowed all foods not except peanuts, which we are holding off on until 18 months.

Bella still has her lingering ear infection, so she will be on an antibiotic for this and will be rechecked again in a month.

Trey will be getting Kidscort on his back to help the dry skin.

Trey and Bella will be getting the flu shot in Ocotober and will more than likely qualify for the Synagis (RSV) shots again this winter.

Trey and Bella each got three vaccinations.

Dr. Caroline was very impressed with them and said they are on track with all of the developmental milestones for 12 month old babies! They both walked (with Mommy), clapped, poked, climbed and talked for her. Trey decided to show off and saw "thank you"! Dr. Caroline said this is an 18-24 month skill (putting 2 words together). Dr. Caroline said that Trey and Bella are very intelligent babies and are doing great overall!

Monday, September 4, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday!

Happy 1st Birthday Trey and Bella!!!!

Mommy has been nursing Trey and Bella for 12 months!

Grandmom slept over to celebrate Trey and Bella's birthday with them!

Trey and Bella got lots of fun presents today! Mommy and Daddy got them a ball pit with 175 balls, Hokey-Poke Elmo, a See-N-Say, a truck with cars, a toy telephone, and some Sesame Street Bath toys! Grandmom gave them a wagon and Elmo Clothes! Colleen gave them each an outfit and some onesies! They will be lots more gifts to come at their birthday party on Saturday!

Trey and Bella had lots of fun with their cakes!

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Pictures and Shopping

Trey, Bella, Mommy, Daddy and Grandmom went to have Trey and Bella's First Birthday photos taken today at Kiddie Kandids! Then we all went to Friendly's for lunch!

After that, Mommy and Grandmom went shopping! Trey and Bella got some new clothes, new toys and Bella's Halloween costume - Tinkerbell! We are still looking for Trey's costume!

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Daddy Day

Trey and Bella were very excited to see Daddy today! They had lots of fun playing with Daddy while Mommy went to get her hair cut.

Friday, September 1, 2006

Mommy Day

Trey and Bella had a Mommy day since Daddy wasn't home tonight. They did very well for Mommy!

Bella helped Mommy and Traci sew before she went to bed.