Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, March 31, 2006

Spices are good

Trey and Bella tried Daddy's homemade seasoned zucchini and summer squash mix tonight. They both loved it! I guess our babies like spices!

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Bella had her appointment with the cardiologist today. The hole in her heart has closed up and her heart is now perfectly normal!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Bella and Trey had Mommy's homemade bakes apples with cinnamon today. They were a big hit! I think we have a new "favorite"!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Homemade Baby Food

Mommy and Daddy made Trey and Bella's more homemade baby food today. We made Carrots and Broccoli. Trey and Bella sampled some for dinner and seemed to really like it! We also bought squash, zucchini, peas, bananas, peaches, pears and apples.

Mommy and Daddy took Trey and Bella out to eat at a restaurant today for the first time! We only went to Denny's so that we would not disturb too many people if Bella and Trey were not happy. They did great! Bella slept almost the whole time and Trey sat on Mommy's lap looking around!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Christening outfits

After a very long day of searching, we finally found Trey and Bella's Christening outfits!

Physical Therapy

Donna from Physical Therapy came to evaluate the twins. She said that they are doing great and she is not sure why they qualified for Early Intervention, but since they did, she is more than happy to come "play" with them once a week. She will be coming every Thursday at 8:30am.

Trey and Bella are routing for their favorite college basketball team ~ The Villanova Wildcats ~ as they play in the NCAA Sweet 16 tonight! Go Wildcats!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Rolling Over

Isabella rolled from her back to her tummy for the first time today! Mommy put the babies on the play mat in the family room while she was making their cereal. Bella started crying, so Mommy went in to get her and she had rolled over. I think she scared herself! She has been trying this for weeks but could never get that second arm out of the way. Well, she did it! Watch out world, here she comes!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

6 Month Check Up

Trey and Bella had their "6 month" check up today, just a little late! Dr. Dave Bruner said they are both doing very well!
Trey weighs 12 pounds and 6 ounces, which puts him in the 10th percentile for his adjusted age. He is 25 1/4 inches long, which is the 10th percentile for his actual age. His head is 42 1/2 centimeters around, which is the 25th percentile for his actual age. He is now on the regular growth chart for two of three things ~ height and head circumference!

Bella weighs 10 pounds and 15 ounces, which puts her in the 5th percentile for her adjusted age. She is 24 1/2 inches long, which is the 10th percentile for her actual age. Her head is 41 1/2 centimeters around, which is the 25th percentile for her actual age. She is now on the regular growth chart for two of three things ~ height and head circumference!

Trey and Bella both cried when getting their three vaccinations :(

The doctor was excited that Mommy is going to start making Trey and Bella's baby food at home. He said it tastes much better and Mommy and Daddy can even add some salt, pepper and other spices in small amounts to make the transition to table food easier for Trey and Bella. We can also start on fruit and vegetable combinations. Dr. Dave said that if we are going to used jarred food for outings, we can move to Stage 2!

Dr. Dave wants Mommy and Daddy to increase their "solid" feedings to three times a day soon, so we will probably start this next week ~ Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

When they hit 8 months on May 4, the Doctor wants Mommy and Daddy to introduce meat to the babies ~ chicken, beef, turkey and pork. They can be pureed with vegetables and prepared ahead of time or Mommy and Daddy and just through whatever they are having for dinner in the blender and give that to the babies.

Trey has a dry spot on his head, which appears to be cradle cap to be treated with baby oil until they next appointment. If its not gone, it may be a rare birth mark.

Bella has a very mild self correcting form of toricollis (she tilts her head to the right since those muscles are tighter). The Doctor gave us some exercises to do with Bella, but said that even if we don't do them, its so mild it will self-correct.

Mommy requested a referral to a cardiologist for Isabella to make sure her heart ductus has closed since it was open at birth. We have an appointment next Thursday, March 30, 2006 with Dr. Ritz.

Our next appointment is the day after the twins turn 9 months old ~ June 4, 2006!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

New Vegetables

Trey and Bella had carrots tonight for dinner for the first time. Trey loved them and even had extra! Bella liked them too and chose to eat them over her former favorite ~ Green Beans!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Object transfer

Trey and Bella both learned how to transfer objects from the right hand to left hand and left hand to right hand today! I guess they want to do everything together!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Last Synagis Shot

Bella and Trey had their last Synagis shot of the season today. They were both weighed at the doctors office in order to get the correct dosage. Bella weighs 11 pounds and 1 ounce and Trey weighs 12 pounds and 3 ounces!

Daddy caught the stomach bug big time tonight and Bella isn't feeling well either.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Stomach Flu

Mommy has the stomach bug very badly so Daddy had to come home from work today to take care of Bella and Trey.

Trey tried Prunes tonight. He seemed to like them! Bella refused her dinner tonight. Perhaps her tummy hurts too:(

Poor Trey caught the stomach bug and needed three PJ changes. Poor baby :(

Nice Day

It was nearly 80 degrees outside today, so Mommy, Trey and Bella took a nice long walk! Too bad its going to be 30 degrees cooler tomorrow. We can't wait for Spring to be here!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Peas...Mommy agrees with Trey

Bella and Trey tried Peas for the first time at dinner tonight. Bella liked them, but Trey wasn't so sure!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Sleeping and photos

Bella and Trey have been sleeping in their cribs for 1 week! The first four nights were terrible for everyone, and the last three got progressively better!

Bella slept through the night last night!!!! She slept from 8pm until 7:15am!!! Trey almost slept through the night, waking up only one time to nurse! Mommy and Daddy are very excited and hope this is the beginning of a new trend!

Mommy and Gradmom took Trey and Bella to get their "Six Month" photos taken today!!! Trey was all smiles and thought the camera man was just hilarious! Bella begged to differ!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Early Intervention

Today, the Early Intervention Team came out to evaluate Trey and Bella. They are a little behind in some areas and a little ahead in some areas, so they both do qualify to be part of the early intervention program.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006


Bella and Trey had their first baby cookie today at Grandmom's house! They both loved it! Bella even managed to break some of hers off as she chomped away at it!
Trey reached up for Mommy for the first time today! Mommy was changing Trey's diaper and when Mommy reached down to pick him up, he put both arms up in the air!

Trey and Bella went to Chuck-E-Cheese today for the first time with Mommy, Grandmom, Aunt Kimberly and Cousin Evan! They had a blast!


Bella and Trey tried Oatmeal Cereal today for the first time. They thought it was okay, but neither loved it!

Monday, March 6, 2006

New foods

Bella and Trey had Squash for the first time tonight for dinner! They both did very well with it and Bella even finished all of hers, which isn't like her at all! Trey is a great eater and usually finishes all of his dinner!

Sunday, March 5, 2006

Time to move to cribs for good

Trey and Bella slept in their cribs last night for the entire night! They still woke up at lot but at least they were in the cribs and Mommy and Daddy got to sleep in the same bed!

Saturday, March 4, 2006

6 Months old

Trey and Bella are six months old today!!!! Wow, Mommy and Daddy cannot believe they have gotten so big!

Bella and Trey both had Pears today for the first time! They both seemed to like them!

Friday, March 3, 2006

Rolling over!

Isabella rolled over three times today from front to back all by herself!

Thursday, March 2, 2006


Trey and Bella had sweet potatoes for the first time tonight! They liked them, but not as much as they like their greenbeans!

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

NICU Follow-up

Trey and Bella had their High Risk NICU Follow-up today!
Trey weighs 11 pounds 15 ounces (20% for his adjusted age), is 24 1/4 inches long (60%) and his head circumference is 41 centimeters (50%)!

Bella weighs 10 pounds 12 ounces (20% for her adjusted age), is 23 1/4 inches long (50%) and her head circumference is 40 1/2 centimeters (70%)!

Both are doing well developmentally! They both hold their hands well and follow objects well! Bella does a great time on belly time, but Trey still hates it and cried! We are going to let Trey have belly time on top of Mommy and Daddy to help him learn to like it!

Their leg muscle strength is normal for a premature baby of there gestation, but behind a normal baby of their age. This will correct itself! Mommy learned that exersaucers, walkers and jumpers of any kind are bad for a baby's muscle development, so we will be limiting our use of these!

Our next follow up is in June. We will be looking for strong belly time positions, good muscle strength, and baby thought processes!